Appointments may be made during Surgery opening hours in person or by telephoning the Surgery on 01347 838231. Doctors appointments are available to pre book up to 3 weeks in advance.
If you need to make an urgent / emergency appointment, please call at 8.00 am for a same day appointment. Please note that these appointments operate on a first come, first served basis. The Receptionist will need to take some details from you to pass to the Duty Doctor who will call you back to discuss your emergency. Following this, the doctor will be able to offer you advice, prescribe suitable medication or offer you an emergency appointment.
Should the Doctor think that it is inappropriate use of the emergency appointment system, you may then be asked to make a routine appointment.
GP Home Visits
Patients who are too ill to attend the surgery can request a home visit. Please telephone the surgery as early as possible, before 10.30 am and leave your telephone number in case the Doctor wishes to speak to you. You will be asked to give some indication of the nature and urgency of the illness.
It is the Practice policy that if you are more than 10 minutes late you may have to re-book an appointment. If your situation is urgent then you may have to wait to see the doctor as an emergency.
Weekend and Out of Hours
After 6 pm and over the weekend there is an out of hours service for providing medical care for our patients. If you need a Doctor in an emergency outside the normal Surgery opening times then you should contact 111.